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Energetic Facelift

A dynamic yet gentle hands-on body process

  • 1 h
  • 111 US dollars
  • Las Vegas Enlightenment Center

Service Description

INTRODUCING THE ENERGETIC FACELIFT What if it was possible to look and feel younger WITHOUT injecting botulinum, acupuncture needles or creating other trauma to your body? Energetic Facelift™ is a wonderful way to rejuvenate the face and reverse the signs of aging on the face and throughout the entire body. WHAT IS ACCESS ENERGETIC FACELIFT? Energetic Facelift is a dynamic yet gentle hands-on body process that can deepen and quicken the body's natural healing capacities by creating change on the cellular level. Energetic Facelift is a non-invasive, non-surgical, hands-on technique free of creams, injections and chemicals of any kind. WHAT IS AN ACCESS ENERGETIC FACELIFT SESSION? An Energetic Facelift Session is a hands-on energetic technique that involves running more than 30 different energies throughout the body. Facelift energies unlock the tension, resistance, pain and dis-ease that is locked into the body, especially in regard to aging. During a session the person receiving the session typically lies on a massage table. The practitioner places their hands on the body with a gentle soothing touch and slight upward tug, moving to different positions on the chest, neck, face, and sometimes the feet. Sessions typically last 45 to 90 minutes. Introductory or taster sessions are typically 20 minutes. WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS REPORTED? People have reported more youthful looking skin, firmer bodies, brighter light and luminosity of the face, elasticity of the skin, clarity of the eyes, glow in the hair, lifting of breasts and buttocks, improved energy, increased relaxation, and fewer judgments of them and their bodies. If done repeatedly (at least 20 times) it appears to be permanent. HOW DOES ACCESS ENERGETIC FACELIFT WORK? Energetic Facelift undoes the programming that keeps things from changing. Access Facelift runs more than 30 different energies throughout the body to address stresses on the body that create aging. The gentle soothing touch applied to your face and neck works with your body’s cells to restore, enliven and rejuvenate the body on the cellular level. ENERGETIC FACELIFT: A HOLISTIC COMPLEMENTARY THERAPY Access Energetic Facelift is a holistic complementary therapy that activates the body’s innate ability to self-heal. Access Facelift does not interfere with any conventional or alternative treatment or therapy and has been found to increase the capacity and potency of other healing modalities.

Cancellation Policy

You may cancel or reschedule within 72 hours of your session with no additional fee. If you cancel within 48 hours of your session there is a $25 cancelation fee. If you cancel within 24 hours or less of your session the amount paid is not refundable but you may request the amount you paid to be credited towards your next session. Medical Disclaimer: Professionals on this website are not doctors of medicine (MDs) and do not hold medical licenses. Their advice, opinions, and services should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have a medical condition or require medical advice, it is essential to consult a licensed medical practitioner, such as a physician or healthcare provider. Do not disregard or delay seeking medical advice based on information provided by Professionals on this website. We may update or modify this Disclaimer at any time without prior notice. Users are responsible for regularly reviewing this Disclaimer.

Contact Details

  • 5795 S Sandhill Rd suite c, Las Vegas, NV 89120, USA

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